
Jury service is an important civic and community duty. As a juror you play a vital role in our legal system and ensure that our system of justice is preserved. Your contribution to the judicial system is invaluable and ensures that the justice system remains in the hands of the people. We appreciate your service and hope that you will find your jury service to be a rewarding experience.

Below are commonly asked questions about jury duty in the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas. Hopefully, this will answer some of the questions you may have. If not, please contact Jury Commissioner, Tara Gerber or Tim Aurand at 330-674-5086. 

How Long is my Jury Duty?

Grand Jury:

A “Grand Jury” hears evidence about crimes and decides whether or not a person should be indicted and tried for committing a crime. The grand jury does not decide guilt or innocence. If you are summoned to court to be selected for service on a grand jury, you may serve a term of three months. In Holmes County the Grand Jury typically meets one day a month. You will receive a summons to report to court on a specific date and if selected to sit on the Grand Jury you will be given notice of the additional dates you will be required to appear.


Petit Jury:

You are on call for a three-month term. You will receive a summons for a specific trial date. To find out whether you are required to report as summoned, you need to call the night before the date you are summoned for. A recorded message will give you instructions. If the recording tells you to report, please come to the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas, located at 1 East Jackson Street, Millersburg, Ohio 44654. You will then report to the Clerk of Court’s Office located on the third floor in room number 306. If the recording tells you not to report, you don't need to do anything until you get another summons. The phone number for the jury duty recording is 330-674-5086.

Where should I park?

Parking behind the courthouse and at the corner of South Monroe Street and East Adams Street are free to park in.

What are the hours?

Court is usually in session from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, with a break for lunch. The hours depend on what's happening in the trial. For example, when the jury starts to deliberate, you may be here into the evening if your deliberations require it.

How much do I get paid and how do I receive it?

The pay is $30.00 per day if you are seated; $15.00 if you have to report and are excused. You will get a check in the mail after your service is complete. To receive payment, you must check in with the Clerk of Courts office every day you're here.

How did I get selected?

Voter registration lists are fed into a computer each year and prospective jurors are randomly selected. Your name was on the list for this term.

Who do I contact if I have a problem?

The courthouse is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have a problem or question regarding jury service, please call Jury Commissioners Tara Gerber or Tim Aurand at:

  • phone: 330-674-5086
  • email: tgerber@co.holmes.oh.us or taurand@co.holmes.oh.us

How do I prove to my employer that I was here?

You may obtain a form from the Clerk of Courts listing the dates you were in court for jury duty. This can be obtained daily or at the end of your jury service.

Can I be excused or postpone my service?

If you have a vacation planned or dates you know you are not available during your term, you may contact a Jury Commissioner with those dates and you can be postponed from service on those dates. 

If you are requesting to be excused from Jury Service, please document the reason you request to be excused on the Fact Sheet you return to the court. The court refers to ORC Section 2313.14 in determining all requests for excusals. 

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